Sulfotar SC 800

Oligro Sulfotar SC 800 is an elemental sulfur in suspension form, consisting approximately 2 (μm) microns particles. When applied to the soil, it decomposes thanks to soil microorganisms and lowers the soil pH. Since its micron size, the reaction starts instantly.

It promotes the plant nutrition at the highest level and by the regular application to the root zone throughout the vegetation, it makes the nutrients that are in useless form in the soil to available form.

This reflects positively on fertilization costs in a relative way.

Technology: NOCH
Package: 1 – 5 – 20 L
pH: 7,71
EC: 0,03

SKU: SC800

Recommended Use

Sulfotar SC 800 is elemental liquid sulfur fertilizer; depending on the plant’s vegetative state and soil characteristics of the culture, per irrigation;

  • Fertigation : 2-3 L for 1 da*

*da= 1.000 m²

The dosages and application stages are given as a guideline.

Guaranteed Content W/W%

Elemental Sulfur (S):

800 G/L

Additional Information(*):

The sulfur size is 2 µ.