Sekoya BZnFe 5-5-5

Sekoya BZnFe is a fast effect and high efficient boron, zinc and iron fertilizer.

It prevents chlorosis in plants and increases product quality.

This fertilizer, which has Boron, Zinc and Iron content, can be applied both soil and foliar.

Technology: NOCH
Package: 1 – 5 – 10 – 25 Kg
pH: 3,16
EC: 0,30

SKU: 27329

Recommended Use

Sekoya BZnFe 5-5-5 is a fertilizer consists of B Zn Fe; when the bud swelling starts and especially in flowering stage;

Foliar: 150-200 g with 100 L Water

The dosages and application stages are give as a guideline.

Guaranteed Content W/W%

Water Soluble Zinc (Zn):


Water Soluble Boron (B):


Water Soluble Iron (Fe):