NZN – N 16-0-0 + 5 ZN

This fertilizer with nitrogen and zinc content has positive effects on the development of green part formation and fertilization in plants.

  • It is a source of liquid zinc which can be applied from foliar and fertigation.
  • In wheat, barley, corn, etc., it promotes grain set, lengthening of the grain bed and increases the number of grain. formations.
  • It helps to grow enough bunches in grapes.

Technology: NOCH
Package: 1 – 5 – 20 L
pH: 1,80 / 2,00
EC: 0,45

Recommended Use

NZN – N 16-0-0 + 5 ZN is a source liquid zinc fertilizer; depending on the plant’s vegetative state and soil characteristics of the culture, per irrigation;

Foliar : 200-250 cc with 100 L Water

Fertigation : 1-2 L for 1 da*

*da= 1.000 m²

The dosages and application stages are given as a guideline.

Guaranteed Content W/W%

Total Nitrogen (N):


- Urea Nitrogen (NH2-N):


- Ammonium Nitrogen (NH4-N):


- Nitrate Nitrogen (NO3-N):


Water Soluble Zinc (Zn):