Amino Torro

Oligro Amino Torro animal sourced amino acid; It is an amino acid fertilizer of animal origin obtained from cattle skin.

It strengthens plant resistance against environmental stress factors such as sudden seasonal temperature differences, salinity, phytotoxicity etc.

Stimulates microbiological activity and provides optimized conditions for plants.

It increases the usefulness and uptake rate of other fertilizers.

Package: 1 – 5 – 20 L
pH: 6,51
EC: 0,15

SKU: 12651

Recommended Use

Animal sourced liquid amino acid organic fertilizer; depending on the plant’s vegetative state and soil characteristics of the culture, per irrigation;

  • Foliar: 200-250 cc with 100 L Water
  • Fertigation: 1-2 L for 1 da*

*da= 1.000 m²

The dosages and application stages are give as a guideline.

Guaranteed Content W/W%

Organic Matter:


Organic Carbon (C):


Organic Nitrogen (N):


Free Amino Acids: